Also Known As:
Pharmaceutical Latin
Pin Yin
Rx. Rehmanniae Preparata Shu Di Huang 24g Nourishes Liver and Kidney Yin, nourishes Jing and Blood and fills the Marrow.
Rz. Dioscoreae Shan Yao 12g Tonifies Kidney Yin and astringes Jing.
With Shu Di Huang and Shan Zhu Yu, for Kidney Deficiency with night sweats.
Fr. Lycii Gou Qi Zi 12g Nourishes and tonifies Liver and Kidney Blood and Yin.
With Shu Di Huang, for Liver and Kidney Deficiency.
With Han Lian Cao, for hemoptysis due to Yin Deficiency.
Fr. Corni Shan Zhu Yu 9g Stabilizes the Kidneys, astringes Jing and Body Fluids, tonifies Liver and Kidney Yin, strengthens Kidney Yang, stabilizes the menses and stops bleeding.
With Shu Di Huang, nourishes Kidney Yin and secures Jing, while restraining urination and sweating.
With Shu Di Huang and Shan Yao: A basic combination to tonify the Kidneys.
With Shu Di Huang, Gou Qi Zi and Shan Yao, for True Yin Deficiency.
Rx. Paeoniae Alba Bai Shao 12g Nourishes the Blood, regulates menstruation, astringes Yin, calms Liver Yang and Liver Wind and alleviates pain.
Placenta Hominis Zi He Che 12g Tonifies the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens Jing, tonifies Qi, nourishes the Blood, tonifies Lung Qi and augments Kidney Jing.
With Shu Di Huang, for chronic weakness and debility.
Ram. cum Uncis Uncariae Gou Teng 12g Drains Liver Heat, pacifies Liver Yang, extinguishes Wind and alleviates spasms.
Plastrum Testudinis Bie Jia 9g Nourishes Yin, anchors Yang, invigorates the Blood and promotes menstruation.
Hb. Ecliptae Han Lian Cao 9g Nourishes and tonifies Liver and Kidney Yin, cools the Blood and stops bleeding.
With Nu Zhen Zi, for dizziness, blurred vision, and premature graying of the hair due to severe Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency with ascendant Yang.
Fr. Ligustri Lucidi Nu Zhen Zi 9g Nourishes and tonifies Liver and Kidney Yin, clears Deficiency Heat and improves vision.
With Shu Di Huang and Gou Qi Zi, for diminished visual acuity due to Liver and Kidney Yin Deficiency.
With Han Lian Cao, strengthens Yin to blacken the hair.

  • Nourishes Kidney Yin
  • Suppresses Rising Yang
  • Nourishes the Blood
  • Moves Liver Qi
  • Kidney Yin Deficiency
  • Menstrual disorders
  • Flush fever
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Frequent dizziness
  • Tinnitus
  • Hot flashes
  • Sweating
  • Five Sole Heat
  • Heart palpitations
  • Achiness in the waist and knees
  • Maybe early or irregular menstruation, with bright red menses that may be increased or decreased
  • Maybe dry and itchy skin
  • Dry mouth and throat
  • Dry constipation
  • Decreased and dark urine
  • T: Red
  • C: Little or none or Slightly yellow
  • P: Thready and rapid